21 Items Found


B’nai Israel (E. Liverpool) confirmation (1913)
B’nai Israel (E. Liverpool) confirmation (1916)
Beth Shalom (E. Liverpool) exterior
Beth Shalom (E. Liverpool) interior
Beth Shalom (E. Liverpool) Sukkot


East Liverpool synagogue dedication
B’nai Israel (E. Liverpool) dedication program
B’nai Israel (E. Liverpool) confirmation (1943)
East Liverpool Israel Day Committee
Beth Shalom (E. Liverpool) constitution
Beth Shalom (E. Liverpool) merger
B’nai Israel (E. Liverpool) merger vote
East Liverpool Jewish Federation meeting
“The Memorie of My Life”
“Remembrances of East Liverpool…”
“History of B’nai Jacob Cemetery”
Oberlin College donation
Beth Shalom (E. Liverpool) student rabbis
Hebrew class appeal
“East Liverpool”
Dr. Herschel Rubin memoirs