The Jewish Encyclopedia
of Western Pennsylvania
A project of the Rauh Jewish Archives at the Heinz History Center
Photograph of the members of the Kether Torah Ladies Auxiliary, including (first row, left to right) S. Gelbart, R. Bluestone, M. Bluestone, P. Katz, C. Gelbart, R. Zoupcoff, G. Klein, C. Linder, F. Rice, R. Davidoff, B. Fenstershib, M. Gelman (second row, left to right) S. Shepman, Anna Linder, Chome Linder, Mrs. Nerd, M. Zeigerson, I. Kaufman, C. Freedel, L. Mullin, Mrs. Markus, P. Rosenfield, Mrs. Koretzky, D. Koretzky, Mrs. Topol (third row, left to right) R. Meizeis, Mrs. Alasky, Mrs. Marcus (fourth row, left to right) Mrs. Shneer, Mrs. Gerson, Mrs. Stern, S. Blank, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Anesman, B. Shechter, T. Yellin, Mrs. Cardoff, Mrs. Feldman, Leah Yatkofsky, R. Gelman, M. Schwartz, Mrs. Greenberg, Mrs. Seiger, and Mrs. Green.