Abraham Lippman (1838-1910) immigrated to the United States from Bavaria when he was 13. He lived in Meadville, Pa., before heading south to Georgia and moved to Pittsburgh after the start of the Civil War. He opened A. Lippman and Company, a dry goods store at 106 Market Street. The store soon became a downtown institution.
The success of the business enabled Lippman to retire in his early forties and dedicate his life to communal and charitable institutions. He led the Hebrew Benevolent Society from 1892 until his death. He was president of Rodef Shalom Congregation for 20 years. His term included the visit of President William Taft in 1909. He contributed to the initial fundraising drive for Montefiore Hospital and was a member of the Concordia Club.
His sister Mina Lippman married Louis Aaron, who worked for his brother-in-law before going into the malt business. His sister Rosalia Lippman married Solomon Rauh.