The Jewish Home for the Aged Ladies Auxiliary was established shortly after the Jewish Home for the Aged opened its first facility at 2500 Breckenridge Street and Reed Street in the Hill District in 1906. The Ladies’ Auxiliary initially provided essential daily operations at the home, including cooking, cleaning, and transportation for residents.
The Jewish Home for the Aged Ladies Auxiliary continued to provide institutional support after the Jewish Home for the Aged relocated to Squirrel Hill in the 1930s. By the time of a major expansion of the facility in 1964, the Ladies Auxiliary had more than 4,000 members throughout the tri-state area. Using dues, life membership fees, contributions to specific funds, and an annual dinner dance, the Ladies Auxiliary financed medical equipment, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and prosthetic devices for residents, as well as supplies such as linens, clothing, drapes, furniture, decorations, television sets, and books. The Ladies Auxiliary hosted activities for the residents, including a weekly sewing circle, monthly birthday parties, arts and crafts events, and annual dinners.
With the creation of the Jewish Association on Aging in the early 1990s, the auxiliary changed its name to the Jewish Association on Aging Ladies Auxiliary. The auxiliary voted to disband in May 2009 and donated its remaining funds to associated causes.