Congregation Habad was a short-lived congregation, most likely based in the Hill District. The only known documentation of the congregation is a donation list to the War Sufferer’s Relief Fund in November 1916. It lists Abraham Mintz as president along with the following members: A. I. Kleitman, M. J. Glickman, Solomon Lessing, Abraham Jacob, Enoch Hurwitz, Shrage Brin, Shrage Garber, A. J. Rothman, Nathan Smith, A. Rosen, Aaron Lapinsky, M. Rosenfeld, L. Okin, Tobias Howitz, Ephraim Lipsetz, Louis Schneir, B. N. Krause, Israel Schwartz, David Borer, Mr. Elijah, A. Ratner, Mendel Zipin, Jacob Schaffer, Enoch Zundel, and Jacob Moshkowitz. Several of these men became charter members of Ahovy Sholem Lubovitsh Congregation the following year. The name “Congregation Habad” suggests that the group may have Chabad Chassidim.