Dr. Jerome Apt bibliography


Rauh Jewish Archives

  • Dr. Jerome Apt Papers and Photographs [MSS 1213]
  • Frank Family Papers [MSS 474] (catalog record)
  • Frank Family Photographs [MSP 474] (catalog record)
  • Anathan, Frank, and Lehman Family Papers and Photographs [MSS 1018] 

Detre Library and Archives

Documents and Objects

Heinz History Center

Harvard University Library and Archives

National Archives

  • STS-79 Astronaut Jay Apt with electronic camera [ID 23024117]
    (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronaut Jay Apt with electronic camera [ID 23024115]  (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronaut Jay Apt with stowage items in the Spacehab module [ID 23022861] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronaut Jay Apt on the middeck [ID 23022581]
    (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronaut Jay Apt prepares food packages for meal [ID 23022585] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 – RME 1313 – Astronauts Apt working with the ARIS rack [ID 23022593] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 – ETTF – Apt reviews checklist before activation [ID 23022107] (catalog record)
  • STS-37 MS Goodwin and MS Apt [ID 22595814]
    (catalog record)
  • STS-37 Ross and Apt in airlock [ID 22595404] (catalog record)
  • STS-37 MS Goodwin, MS Apt and Mission Commander Nagel [ID 22595616] (catalog record)
  • STS-47 MS Apt works in SL-J [ID 22723116] (catalog record)
  • STS-47 MS Apt works in SL-J [ID 22723068] (catalog record)
  • STS-47 MS Apt works in SL-J [ID 22723070] (catalog record)
  • STS-47 MS Apt on Endeavour flight deck [ID 22722824] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 – ETTF – Apt inserts samples into the furnace [ID 23024851] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronaut Apt in the Spektr module [ID 23024591] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronauts Apt and Walz packed stowage items in the Spacehab [ID 23022603] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 – BTS – Astronauts Walz and Apt during media sampling on flight day 5 [ID 23022293] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronaut Apt on the middeck with TIPS messages [ID 23025189] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronauts Apt and Readdy at Spacehab window [ID 23024389] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 Astronauts Apt and Walz packed stowage items in Spacehab [ID 23022599] (catalog record)
  • STS-79 – BTS – astronaut Apt during media sampling on flight day 5  [ID 23022295] (catalog record)

Books and Articles

Harvard University Library

Orbit: NASA astronauts photograph the earth, c1996 (catalog record)


Dr. Jerome Apt website (online)